A new game mode with a name presented to League of Legends players “Arena” was added in Patch 13.14 on the 20th of July. It added a new excitement for the community since there wasn't a new game mode for a long long time! That said there is 164 champions in the game that can be played and it could be quite hard for some of the players to know which champions are simply the best in the 2v2v2v2 Arena.
A long with the mode there was added tier system that is just like Solo Q ladder with 5 tiers & ranked ladder during the event of Soul Fighter.
Do not fear, our boosters have already put a numer of hours into the new game mode and have tried out tons of duo combinations, with that said we put all of the results together into this tier list of the best champions in League Arena.
These champions are the very best champions to play in Arena, since all of them can be played in any synergy. However most of the ADC's need some kind of a bruiser or a tank like an unbillable Illaoi or Warwick, if you want to win your games regular in the arena and be in the top 2 at least then pick:
All of these champions got one thing in common, they scale extremally well as the game progresses, especially with the right augments on Taric & Jax you can take over the game and always win since it's the strongest duo in the Arena. Quite a few champions only need some mechanical skill such as Vayne, Kalista & Fiora however when you will master them the matches become super easy so you can climb to Gladiator a lot quicker!
These champions are still unbelievable in team fights and can impact their fate of winning the game simply with smart augments choices since it's the core of a good game, good augments. Also you will find here two champions that we like to high light which are Full AP Volibear & Varus, due to their one shot potential they are one of a kind picks that brings tone of joy.
By picking one of these champions you will have a guaranteed good start in the arena early game especially ADC's all of them bring in a lot of potential in winning the early fights. Another high light is that you must try out full crit Samira with all crit augments you could get she could do one single combo and vanish her enemies like there is no tomorrow!
Champions in the top still have quite strong kit in the Arena and are super useful however they do lack some power due to them being nerfed specially in the new game mode to balance off the Arena but most of them are still holding strong and are good picks that also need some close attention.
These champions are still good in many aspects of the Arena being tanky, having a good damage source, scaling potential & crowd control but sadly most of them will get outclassed by other champions in many ways however then the augments come in and with good augments they could be much more powerful in the fist fight.
So some of these champions are good in a duo composition but we look only on their solo potential and sadly most of them are clapped in the Arena by more powerful champions that just scale way better. It's true that you might win some early fights with these champions in the D tier however they do lack scaling, good build path, a second good champion that will synergise with them or even just mobility that's why we do not recommend any of them if you play at least solo since their potential in 2v2v2v2 team fighting is not big without a good duo partner champion that could hold an enemy for a Tryndamere to kill quickly for an example.
For the time being if you aren't playing the Arena with any of your friends stick to the S tier picks to gain the most success.