LoL Arena Ranking System & Tiers Explained

LoL Arena Ranking System & Tiers Explained

Due to the new game mode Riot has introduced another elo system or in other works ranking system in the Arena to match people with their skill level so the Gladiators wont play against Wood players which is important since this isn't just a normal Summoners Rift because this game mode is purely about fist fighting and micro.


LoL Arena ranks and tier system | Ultimate guide to 2v2v2v2 ranked play -  Dot Esports


All Ranking Tier's in the Arena (2v2v2v2)

In League of Legends normally you have 10 ranks that you grind for during the split of the season, that is from Iron to Challenger which is a quite simple concept. However when it comes to the new gamemode arena that Riot give us it comes with only five arena ranks, which are:


Tier                                                                                                                       Ranking Points
Wood0 - 1399
Bronze1400 - 2599
Silver2600 - 3199
Gold3200 - 3799


These tiers and divided by the point that you will earn in the area automatically so set your goals since it's not that hard to gain some elo here, just like in our experience one of our boosters got Gladiator in just 40 games played with 85% of them being in the top 2 which count as a victory and gain you elo points or you can call them LP possibly as well.


Ranked Rewards for 2v2v2v2 Arena

You will actually receive a summoner icon of the Arena tier that you have reached a long with all of the tiers below which is a nice touch to your collection, but sadly no skin or anything more special at the moment. Let that not make you not wanting to play the game mode since it's the most fun thing added into the game just after URF.


How Dose 2v2v2v2 Ranking System Work?

It selects best possible opponents based on your elo amount or ranking points to put it easier. When you win in Wood - Silver you will earn about 200 - 300 points for winning the 1st place, but the second place is still worth something until Gold since in gold for a top 2 you will get about 50 points which isn't that much as least that happened in our experience. So pick the best champions to climb the ladder or simply enjoy the new game mode with your friend, if you would wish to play with a high elo player, you could always come to our discord server and ask for a price to any of the news arena tier in a solo or a duo to enjoy the company of a great pro player.


Can You Demote In 2v2v2v2?

You cannot be demoted from the tier that you have reached at the moment at least however we do think that changes to this will come in the up coming patch a long with balance changes and few noticeable changes to the ranking system in the arena.


How Many Points Do I Start With?

You will start with 500 ranking points just after your first game with the tier called “Wood”, which isn't a meme anymore but a true reality but jokes a side. You will not be able to lose any of these points in your first ever 5 matches of the Arena which is quite cool to get a feel of what it is and the champions that are playable.


So Remember These Few Things

When it comes to the new game modes ranking system you always want to get the 1st place to get the most amount of elo points possible, with that said you should definitely know which champions are the best at the moment there which you can find here. When you lose you actually do not lose as much you would think, the usual 3rd or even 4th place would only cost you -20 to -50 points which isn't that bad when you get 200 - 300 for the 1st place!