LoL ADC Tier List: Best Picks for Patch 13.20

LoL ADC Tier List: Best Picks for Patch 13.20

Most OP ADC's in Patch 13.20

Newest League of Legends Patch 13.20 ADC's tier list is the compass for those seeking to dominate in their lane and gain elo & mmr. Our Challenger boosters have prepared awesome solo carry champions as highlights and also put all the other champions into S-Tier, A-Tier and B-Tier so you know where your champion will stand after the recent changes that happend! 


All of the champions will help you to gain LP (League Points) in the most recent patch in Season 13. We will present you with 2 tier lists, one is going to be low elo adc tier list, and the second one will be high elo adc tier list in patch 13.20, to balance things out of course so no matter in what elo you are in you will find something for yourself here! Notice that when we say low elo we mean Iron to Emerald, and high elo tier list will be for those in Diamond and above.


LoL ADC Low Elo Tier List Patch 13.20

Optimal (S-tier)Ashe, Ezreal, Jhin, Kai’sa, Karthus, Vayne
Great (A-tier)Jinx, Miss Fortune, Nilah, Samira, Seraphine, Sivir, Swain, Tristana, Twitch
Good (B-tier)Ziggs, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Draven, Kalista, Kog’maw, Lucian, Varus, Xayah, Yasuo, Zeri


3 Boosters Picks - Best ADC in Low Elo Patch 13.20

You might also want to check our Top, Mid or even Jungle tier list for patch 13.20. You will find these 3 picks at well for that specific role so you can be damn sure to know what to pick to get that sweet juicy LP in the easiest way possible.




To get out of low elo in League of Legends, Karthus as an AD Carry in Patch 13.20 offers a unique but effective approach. While landing his Q can be challenging against ranged champions, it becomes a breeze against melee foes—just cast Q at your own feet and watch them walk into it.


Understanding your opponent's movement is crucial for hitting those Qs but what sets ADC Karthus apart is his AP damage and global ultimate. Enemies low on health have nowhere to hide; Karthus can finish them off with his Ultimate no matter where they are on the map. Plus, trading kills 1-for-1 is almost always in your favour due to Karthus's incredible scaling and item-based damage output. His Q also delivers critical magic strikes when hitting a single target within its range.




Tristana stands out as particularly favoured pick by boosters for her remarkable fast games potential & punishing bad players easily. What makes her so appealing, even to Challenger players across roles, is her ability to delete opponents as early as level 2 or 3. With the right runes, either PTA (Press The Attack) or HoB (Hail of Blades) you can rapidly stack up your E's bomb damage for explosive early-game plays.


The tactic is straightforward: reach level 2, skill up your W (you start with E), and leap onto the enemy ADC. While airborne, activate your E to plant the bomb, and proceed to auto-attack until your foe is either eliminated or severely weakened, this just showcases Tristana power right from the get go and she's not even complicated just super simple. Tristana can carry games quite easy too and let's not forget about how fast she can demolish those towers for turret plates!




Jinx emerges as a compelling choice  since you can call her "late bloomer," requiring a hefty amount of gold to truly make her mark but when she dose oh boy watch out! Her passive kicks in after taking down towers, scoring champion kills, or securing major objectives like Dragon or Herald. This passive skyrockets her attack speed by 25% and her movement speed by 175%, making her excellent for split-pushing in low ELO games, particularly if the enemy team lacks assassins.


To unlock Jinx's full potential and climb the ELO ladder in Patch 13.20, you'll want to aim for that crucial three-item power spike. This involves efficient farming, taking only fights that are to your advantage, and even raiding jungle camps on both sides of the map. Remember, vision is king in low ELO, so ward up and avoid dying to ganks whenever possible.


LoL ADC High Elo Tier List Patch 13.20

Optimal (S-tier)Ashe, Ezreal, Kai’sa, Karthus, Senna, Vayne
Great (A-tier)Draven, Jhin, Jinx, Kalista, Nilah, Seraphine, Twitch, Xayah, Yasuo
Good (B-tier)Ziggs, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Kog’maw, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Samira, Sivir, Tristana, Varus, Zeri


3 Boosters Picks - Best ADC in High Elo Patch 13.20

Our team of skilled ELO boosters, who usually handle Diamond+ orders, made this tier list since they are always looking to make their games quicker and easiler to get into the next game as fast as possible, probably just what you be looking for yourself! They've also highlighted three champions they believe can help you climb fast in Patch 13.20 just as they help other players reach their dream ranks!




Senna serves as a rarely-picked yet impactful AD Carry. While not a typical choice among our high ELO boosters, she comes highly recommended by them for those grinding in the Diamond or Master tiers, aiming for their next leap in LP. Given that games in high ELO often wrap up between 25 to 30 minutes, Senna finds a window to scale effectively with her passive, gaining a staggering attack range.

This monumental range empowers her to deliver devastating damage, making her an excellent pick to gain ELO quickly in high ELO Patch 13.20 games. The ability to solo carry is right there; she just needs the time to scale, making her a stellar option for long-term LP gains in high ELO.




Vayne is for sure as a top-tier AD Carry for gaining mmr climbing in this patch. Her current Trinity Force build, enabling her to one-shot even moderately armoured champions since she has true damage which means that armour doesn't matter. This makes her one of the best ADCs to gain ELO quickly in high ranks during Patch 13.20. A follow-up item like Kraken Slayer or Statikk Shiv ensures you're primed to carry games and get that free LP.


Mastery of her Q while using her ultimate is crucial for optimal positioning, as it grants invisibility, which is the whole aspect to juking opponents and maximizing damage with it. She dose need about 2 - 3 items as all ad carrys but now at least you know how powerful she is with that build, also for runes you should always go Lethal Tempo for that extra attack speed to kite better with.





Draven stands out as a high-reward AD Carry ideal for climbing the ELO ladder. His unique passive, "Adoration," allows him to amass significant gold, positioning him as a lucrative pick for those aiming to gain ELO in high ranks. Through Adoration, Draven collects stacks by catching his axes, last-hitting minions, or destroying towers. Upon securing a champion kill, these stacks convert into a considerable gold bonus calculated as 40 gold + (2.5 × stacks). These stacks can sometimes yield hundreds or even thousands of extra gold.


While Draven offers massive early-game damage and solo carry potential, mastering his axe management is crucial. Keeping his axes in play while avoiding death is vital for stacking Adoration and maximizing your gold income.


Wrapping Up with ADC Tier list Patch 13.20

And there you have it, the ultimate ADC picks in the latest patch, designed to catapult you out of low ELO and shine across all ranking tiers. Dedicate yourself to honing these champions, and you're on a direct path to ELO glory. And don't forget, if you find yourself stuck and in need of that extra boost in your ranking climb, we're always just a click away!