So in League of Legends, especially during Season 13's Patch 13.20, aligning your picks with the meta is like finding a cheat code for success. Opting for off-meta choices or champions not designed for a specific role is akin to playing on hard mode—your win probability takes a nosedive.
Todays FFBoost15 blog will serve as your guide to get out of ELO hell, by spotlighting five best S-Tier, top laners to master in Patch 13.20. Fancy more useful and fun tips on playing these champs? Skip over to FFBoost15 League of Legends Division Boost! Order a quick boost, ask for a one-trick pony addon, and get a top-tier Challenger buddy that plays that champion to perfection and he will feel free to share all the cool secrets about your chosen champion with you so you can improve and become unstable in your solo queue games.
Champion | Playstyle |
Darius | Modern-Aggression & Lane Domination |
Tryndamere | Speed pushing beast with a lot of damage to 1v9 |
Fiora | duelling opponents & speed pushing |
Malphite | Tank that plays around their team mates |
Jax | duelling opponents, speed pushing and power farming |
All of our picks have been analysed by our Challenger boosters that know their stuff and winning is their second name so use our picks to find the most success in latest League patch that shake the jungle quite a bit and our top lane didn't notice that big of a change.
Darius stands out as one of the best top laners to climbing solo queue for a big while now and he still is an S-Tier pick. His early game makes him a formidable force in the top lane, and one you wouldn't want to mess with since he is a lane dominator for sure. His straightforward gameplay is an absolute boon, whether you're a League newbie or still honing your skills and playing the game for a while.
His Passive ability allows him to deal bonus damage, usually swinging trades in his favour, making him a strong pick especially if you're looking to gain ELO in Patch 13.20.
Tryndamere carves out his own niche as one of the best top laners to consider. What sets him apart? His exceptional wave management and forgiving nature when it comes to bad trades. If you find yourself often on the losing end of health bar exchanges, picking Tryndamere is a way to get out of low ELO in Patch 13.20.
Despite his melee range, Tryndamere builds similarly to an ADC as you might of figure it out already. This means you'll need to keep your gold income high to stay ahead—farm as much minions as possible and don't hesitate to snag jungle camps when possible. A pro tip for all you Tryndamere enthusiasts: consider banning Malphite in champ select unless you fancy questioning your life choices during the game.
Fiora the Grand Duelist and a top laner to be reckoned with in Patch 13.20. She's no pushover; mastering her requires a good deal of finesse, especially when it comes to utilizing her W ability to parry stuns and turn the tables around but timing it can be tricky, but when executed correctly, it's a game changer.
Once you get even a small lead with Fiora, you're set to become the terror of the top lane. Always make sure to keep the momentum going, and not only will you dominate your lane, while taking a turret but then you will be able to take enemy jungle camps and expand your lead further. She's an excellent pick for those looking to climb solo queue top lane in Patch 13.20, provided you're up for the mechanical challenge.
In Season 13, Malphite is a really solid choice for top lane, especially if you're up against AD champions. While he can struggle a bit against AP champs, you've got options. You can go full AP to burst down squishy enemies with your ultimate, or build tanky and be the one to start teamfights. He can be a good pick to escape low elo however most of time you want to play a champion that could 1v9 and we only recommend Malphite as a counter pick for that heavy AD teams or well... Tryndamere/Fiora.
Malphite works great with assassin junglers but this can be sometimes hard to accomplish in solo queue so why not order a duo boost and have a jungler for once in your games! You can catch important enemies by surprise, either when they're pushing a lane alone or coming into a fight from a different direction. To do well with Malphite, you just need to be really good at managing your minion waves. Do that, and most matchups will be a piece of cake.
Jax is the closer in our lineup of top lane titans in League He's the champ you pick when you're looking to carry the game on your shoulders, but that's easier said than done. Winning your lane is essential, as is farming both lane minions and jungle camps. While Jax may seem easy to pick up, don't be fooled; you need a good grasp of top lane mechanics to truly excel with him.
If you know how to gain an early lead, Jax is an unstoppable scaling monster that grows a long with the game timer. Jax has been always a strong and solid pick just because of his scaling ability and items that work super well such as Spear of Shojin, Trinity Force or even Divine Sunderer that is just a huge power spike.
However, like any great weapon, Jax requires practice to wield effectively, you could speed up your rank as well as expand your knowledge if you would order a Jax main that would boost you few ranks and provide you with a lot of information about matchups, builds, and secret tactics that you could see by watching his games! With a variety of build options, he stands as one of the best top laners to gain ELO in Patch 13.20.
There you go all of the best picks for top lane during the latest patch for you to find success and get out of low elo easily, they work in all of the ranks to be precise, playing these champions will gain you a lot of elo by keep pushing yourself and if you need some rest to get help with your rank you know where to find us!