So you must be wondering which champions are worth the ban the most in the 2v2v2v2 arena game mode so you won't be surprised then that you stand no chance into these champions since they are just so powerful, do not fear we will tell you why you should ban them a long with a possible counter and why you should ban them.
Kayn's power is obviously the darkin form due to the healing and his ultimate that steals your % HP, in the early game he might be not as a big of a threat however when he changes and builds full lethality he will one shot you and heal a lot! The typical tactic that Kayn players do when in darkin form they run at you use their ultimate ASAP and then go back to safety with their E, take some plants to refresh their ultimate ability and one shot you again, crazy over powered!
You probably know what we are talking about, due to heimers turrets safety it's super hard to do anything against him since he can just simply chill in the place where the circle of fire is going to shred so you will need to fight him exactly where he wants you to a long with the turrets that deal quite a lot of damage and with no way for you to kill them most of the time since you won't have the HP by the time, makes him bannable each game.
Taric should be banned each game while in the are game mode due to obvious reason such as reduced cool downs on his abilities when he auto attacks, and he can auto attack in the arena a lot since it's a fist fight all the time right, a long with super good augments he will be a beast with his duo partner that just wont be able to die since he will heal him so much. However do not also forget the ultimate that makes anyone to not tany any damage for few seconds and now that's pretty annoying to play against, so ban it!
If you haven't played against an Illaoi yet then consider yourself lucky since she is the best tank option most of the time due to her nature of going full tank after divine sunderer, while being a tank that has a lot of damage to deal for no reason a long with her passive of tentacles being everywhere on the map due to close map environment that is ideal for her. When she presses ultimate it's the most dangerous for you so try to burst her some how, poke her out or just ban it since it's annoying especially if you want to play a normal tank.
She seems quite innocent and not as good at a first site however if you go infinity, collect & crit augments that makes your abilities crit a long with other ones you will simply One Shot your enemies like they are minions on the Summoners Rift without any issues, even a tank can be easily killed however you do need to know her combos and know how to kite which will help you a bit more to not lose the early game but be sure to try it if shes not banned or just ban her yourself!