Top 10 Most Expensive LoL Skins & Their True Value in 2023

Top 10 Most Expensive LoL Skins & Their True Value in 2023

When it comes to League of Legends we are already know that the game launches in 2009, making it now 13 years old and it still holds strong, and with that said in these 13 years there were quite a few skins that are not possible to even get from hextech chests, loot system or even purchase them in the shop anymore forever. That's why if you are a veteran of League and got your hands on some of these skins, you account can be worth an extra few hounded of euro/dollars. 

(All of the skins are ranked by price)


Bonus. Rusty Blitzcrank ~ $80 / €70

rusty blitzcrank

Rusty Blitzcrank was only available in the store back in November 2009 and it was only there for just shy of three months before it was discontinued in January 2010 due to the reason that it looked too much like the original skin and not many people were interested in it.


10. UFO Corki ~ $90 / €80


UFO Corki was gifted as a thank you from Riot Games to new players who have registered an account for the game before January 14, 2010.


9. King Rammus ~ $100-800 / €90-700


You must be super lucky to get King Rammus since you would only be able to get it if you tested League of Legends when it was still in the beta. It shows that you know about League from the start and you have come a long 13 years as a veteran that has the most exclusive skin, the prices can range up to sometimes thousands however we found that most of the accounts on the internet are selling the skin from $100 to $800 dollars at most.


8. Silver Kayle ~ $80-150 / €70-135


Silver Kayle was actually released a long with the original retail copy of League of Legends in 2009, since then the stores took a long time to even restock the physical editions and speed up to today it's impossible to find a copy that has the original code. However even if you would find the original code not even used you still wont be able to redeem it because Riot has disabled the codes in 2014 making this skin extremely rare.


7. Young Ryze ~ $160-350 / €145-320

human ryze

This skin deserves even more rarity and the price since it was possible ONLY to get it to the players who have pre-oredred a retail version of League of Legends at launch which was 27 October 2009.


6. Pax Sivir ~ $200-500 / €180-450

pax sivir

Pax Sivir was given to the people who attended the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) event back in 2009. However just to add to the 3 skins above as well, not everyone actually played League of Legends in that event and many of the codes given away were sold or expired and with the upcoming years of high demand the price was sitting around $200 - $300 for it rather then like TF and Jax sivir wasn't in such a demand as them.


5. Riot Squad Singed ~ $200-500 / €180-450

Riot Squad Singed was only given to the players who have attended Gamescom 2010, and there people were lucky enough to get the skin code for it. Few years later there were some codes that were possible to find however not over 13 years the codes are expired and most of them were limited making the skin now very rare.


4. Black Alistar ~ $400-900 / €365-820

Black Alistair was given only to players who have actually bought a digital copy of the League of Legends Collector's Edition at launch. Remember League was free at launch and not many people purchased that package making this skin one of the rarest if not the most exclusive.


3. PAX Jax ~ $450-1000 / €400-900

Pax Jax was also given as a part of League of Legends event called Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) event back in 2009. Same as Twisted Fate you were able to get Jax too, as we are not sure if you could have a choice of picking one or other but for sure we know that there were only 20,000 copies of the codes given away for this skin as well making it as rare as PAX Twisted Fate.


2. PAX Twisted Fate ~ $450-1000 / €400-900

Pax Twisted Fate was given to only the first 20,000 people that have attended the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) event back in 2009 that took place in USA. When the skin was handed in the players could just easily go back home with their coupon code and enjoy their free skin. Due to the fact that it was only in the US, and the code could of been used anywhere most of the players actually decided to trade it or sell it online to people around the world and now if you will find an account with this skin  you are extremely lucky since there is only 20,000 people in the whole world that have it.


1. Championship Riven 2012 (Legacy) ~ $400-1500 / €350-1400

Championship Riven with a crown which is an original legendary skin that was released back in 2012 to celebrate the 2012 World Championship. It was released in the store during the 2012 LCS and was only for 975 RP, but if you were physically during the Championships and you bought the ticket you would of gotten the code for Championship Riven for free. These people did what most of the did few years ago and traded the codes for the skin online until Riot has had enough and disabled all of the skin codes making the skin even more rare!


Only about 8000 people received the skin from the ticket purchase alone which isn't a lot. Then sadenly after the Championships Riot has removed the skin from the store and made it as a exclusive reward for players back in 2015 for the prize of getting all of the teams right in an event called “World's Pick'em”. We do not know why they removed the skin from the store but this made this skin high in demand in todays world where there are many Riven players who are willing to pay crazy amount for an account with the skin!