Ahri Ultimate Guide (Latest Patch 13.15) - The Enchanting Saga
To wield Ahri's power effectively, one must first understand the intricacies of her abilities
Passive: Essence Theft - Ahri's spells generate Essence Theft stacks, which grant her a heal when her abilities hit enemies. Accumulating and managing these stacks is essential for sustain in extended skirmishes.
Q: Orb of Deception - Ahri releases a magical orb that damages enemies as it travels outward and returns to her. Hitting champions with both the outward and inward paths amplifies the damage significantly.
W: Fox-Fire - Ahri summons fox-fires that target nearby enemies, prioritizing champions because this ability can deal substantial damage in close-quarters combat.
E: Charm - Ahri blows a kiss, charming and damaging the first enemy hit. A successful charm sets up her full combo and can be a game-changer in fights.
R: Spirit Rush - Ahri dashes three times, allowing her to reposition swiftly or engage and disengage with ease. Mastering this ability is crucial for successful roaming and evading threats.
Here you can see the full skill order for Ahri in the mid lane.
Q - You will aways start with [Q] and you should max it first as well so you can clean minion waves much faster.
W - You usually want to take your [W] as 2nd 3rd of 4th ability it just kind of depends on your playstyle.
E - Most of the time you want it second since then you could poke the enemy a bit more with a combo [E] → [Q].
R - You always plan to max your Ultimate Ability [Spirit Rush] whenever you can & always use it on full ins, team fights or even to escape.
1. Flash is a must have in most champions in League of Legends anyway since it can be used offensively or defensively which makes it a great choice for most champions and well Ahri too!
2. Ignite amazing choice for Ahri against any champion since it's the usual set up that works against all matchups in the mid lane.
1. Electrocute - Great choice always due to the fact that Ahri dose a lot of [Q] and [E] combos that can proc electrocute easily or just her [W] can do it alone.
2. Cheap Shot - Extra damage while you charm someone.
3. Eyeball Collection - You are a roaming champion and in most of low elo games you will be able to stack the eyeball collector quite quickly to get the bonus AP.
4. Ultimate Hunter - It stacks a long with Eyeball Collection and who doesn't want to have your Ultimate ability up faster then before, it's epically good on Ahri.
1. Gathering Storm - This gives our champion unlimited scaling into the late game so if the games are usually long you should take it go take the advantage of the bonus AP per each 10 minutes of the game.
2. Transcendence - Always good as it gives you Ability Haste and reduces your cooldowns on each take down that works super well with your Ultimate ability that refreshes each time you kill someone as well!
1. +10% Attack Speed - Helps you with killing minions much more easily and it's always nice to have extra attack speed on Ahri during the early game cs'ing.
2. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) - Since you are not a tank and you are an assassin mage you do want to go adaptive shard to gain that 9 Ability Power.
3. +15-140 HP (lvls 1-18) - Always good into anything, it scales super good as well but you can always change it for armor or magic resists, if you prefer.
You can replace "Cheap shot" by “Sudden impact”, "Ultimate hunter" by "Ravenous hunter" for the domination part. When it comes to the sorcery part, you can replace "Gathering storm" By "Manaflow band" or "Scorch". The attack speed is for the early farm and harasses low range opponent.
The HP Stat Shard can be replace by armor or mr, but if you tend to forget to adapt during champ select, keep it as HP or armor.
Corruption Potion - Is the way to go most of the time. Since Ahri's damage is quite weak early on, you should use your AA (Auto Attacks) more often. On top of that, corrupting can be sold higher price than Doran's Ring while giving you unlimited potions on your first recalls. You can go Doran if you prefer it of course, but don't go dark seal at first.
Doran's Ring - It's also a perfect starting item just know that with that you shouldnt take that much poke in the lane since you will have only 1 health potion.
Lost Chapter - If you have 1300 gold or more, you should go on lost chapter and just call it a day since it has great power.
Tear - It's a good way if you didnt make it to lost chapter and just want the infinite mana and think about it only for 400 gold you will have infinite mana for the rest of the laning phase and mid game, you can always sell it later when you don't need it anymore.
Boots & Dark Seal - Good choice if you are under 1300 gold to get back quicker to lane, and get some bonus Ability Power from dark seal.
Seeker's Armguard - If you play against a heavy AD combo champion, most of the time the most popular would be Zed then on your first back consider building Armguard first.
Verdant Barrier - You would only build it into heavy Ability Power mage assassins such as Fizz to not get instantly one shotted on his level 6.
You might not always build the items above however the core that you will always build each game are:
1. Luden's Tempest - Good source of burst damage that you are looking for & on top of that magic armor penetration.
2. Sorcerer's Shoes - These are the only shoes you will go most of the time to get even more damage on Ahri.
3. Needlessly Large Rod - You can make so many items from large rod such as Rabadon, Shadowflame or even Void Staff which gives you a lot of flexibility for the 2nd item.
All other items you have to adapt to your specific game, if enemy's have a lot of health then Shadowflame is perfect but if they build a tone of Magic Resits, Void Staff could be the next choice to go for. When you will play more games and look at builds of the pros you will get the hang of what to build next even quicker.
Ahri's laning phase is a delicate balance of poking, farming, and avoiding enemy aggression. Here's how to gain an edge:
Ahri's true strength lies in her ability to burst down opponents with her deadly combos. Here are some essential ones to master:
Ahri's mobility makes her an excellent roamer so when you got an opuchnięty for it during mid or even early game you should take it. Use these tips to make a big impact on other lanes:
In team fights, Ahri excels at eliminating high-priority targets and disrupting enemy formations. Here's how to shine in crucial engagements:
So now after you know everything about Ahri in the mid lane it's good to know how to counter he best in the latest patch 13.15. Do not get us wrong a good Ahri player will always win against her counter however you do need a lot of games to have quite a lot of experience again these champions to utilize their each weakness into an advantage for yourself.
Currently Ahri strangles against most burst champions such as:
Is a great Ahri counter now due to her high burst damage a long with [W] follow up after she uses her ultimate ability making Naafiri awesome champion to play against currently with 54.51% win rate against Ahri making it the biggest counter!
This matchup for Ahri can be quite easy but Veigar counters Ahri's ultimate by using his [E] where he can just simply close her in a cage which can be super problematic for some players.
Same as Naafiri, Ahri isn't good vs high damage combo assassins and Zed is also one of them. A good Ahri will make all Zed players rage however a good Zed is a great Ahri counter.
She counters Ahri super hard especialy since she is super mobile and without hassitation could freeze the lane forever and making Ahri not cs at all in the lane.
Super annoying after level 6 and if he hit's his ultimate on Ahri then she is 80% dead because escaping will be ever hard for her creating this another Ahri counter, most of them time Ahri will simply need to flash, from Fizz ultimate to survive.
You can't really kill Kassadin and he can't kill Ahri that much but he is a great counter to Ahri due to his out scaling everyone in the mid lane if he plays correct then Ahri will be simply useless during the mid / late game.