LoL Support Tier List: Best Picks for Patch 13.20

LoL Support Tier List: Best Picks for Patch 13.20

5 Most OP Supports in Patch 13.20

In the captivating universe of League of Legends, the support role shines like a beacon in the fog of war, particularly under the radiant glow of Patch 13.20. Understanding the intricacies of top-tier support champions is akin to holding a magical key—one that unlocks paths to strategic triumphs and epic journeys in Season 13, all while navigating the ever-evolving support tier list in LoL.


If you're serious about gaining elo and climbing ranks in League then, mastering the current meta is crucial for success. That's why we've teamed up with our global network of Challenger boosters to craft an impeccable tier list aimed at maximizing your success in Season 13's Patch 13.20. As we traverse the shimmering tapestry of support tier lists for Patch 13.20, the allure of S-tier champions.


In today's FFBoost15 blog, we will give you five extraordinary S-tier Supports, carefully selected to supercharge your ELO-climbing in Patch 13.20. Craving more in-depth tips on mastering your champion of choice? Then you should go to our LoL Division Boost and select "One Trick Pony" addon so you will get a Challenger player that knows the character from the top of the hair to their ankles which is a great time to ask questions on how to get better at that champion as well as get few free wins or even divisions so you can then watch boosters replays to see how they manage to win easily so you can learn from them too!


The Best Supports For Patch 13.20 in Season 13

  1. Blitzcrank
  2. Nautilus
  3. Rakan
  4. Pyke
  5. Janna


BlitzcrankAggressive & can hook specific strong enemy
NautilusPassive-aggresive, lot of CC to ether go in first or protect your team mates
RakanStarting team fights, can catch off gard targets
PykeSuper aggressive in early and can secure kills on enemy team
JannaShielding and protecting your team mates but also aggressive as well


Here are the most powerful S-tier picks for this patch in the light of the recent changes! These choices were carefully picked by our best Challenger boosters who play hundreds of games each patch. After a lot of thought and looking closely at the support changes, they picked these five best supports for Patch 13.20. They also used data from popular League websites and considered all ranks across the board so these picks can be relevant to all of you no matter where you are in terms of your rank.




Blitzcrank is a straightforward champ, with the main skill needed being accurate with his Q, which pulls enemies toward you. Landing a good hook can set up an easy kill for your team, but grabbing the wrong target is a way for a disaster, possibly even costing you the whole game. Early game advantages are crucial, and as Blitzcrank, you have the unique ability to invade the enemy jungle right off the bat and a successful hook in early game can be a game changer.


When your ADC is crashed a big wave into enemy tower, that's your golden opportunity to roam. You can head to top, mid or even assist your jungler, setting up kills or gaining small advantages that add up over time even just going for a roam is a small thing that adds pressure and laners must respect you when you don't show on the map. While Blitzcrank can be a powerful tool for climbing the ELO ladder in Patch 13.20, remember that a bad hook can also ruin things for your team. So, aim carefully!




In contrast to Blitzcrank, who excels at hooks but lacks in peeling, Nautilus shines in both areas. This tanky support can not only peel for your carries but also offers chain CC (Crowd Control) to lock down priority targets in team fights, thanks to his ultimate. The result? Your team can secure kills with ease.


Nautilus also has strong roaming capabilities, and his extended stuns also known as CC (Crowd Control) duration gives teammates enough time to capitalize on a stunned enemy. Before venturing out, though, make sure to check the bot lane minion wave. You don't want your ADC to get dived while you're away. Additionally, keeping the enemy jungle warded can save your less-observant ADC from falling prey to obvious ganks.


Opting for Nautilus in the support role can be a robust strategy to climb in Patch 13.20, offering a well balanced mix of protection and aggression, generally you don't need to worry about things such as farming minions so you can get away with a lot of roams which makes support role op in it self since you can be the second Jungler that will make your team win!




Rakan excels in three key areas that make him a standout support: roaming, synergizing with Xayah, and initiating team fights with his signature R -> E -> W -> Q -> Second E combo, leaving enemies charmed and vulnerable. His Q is excellent for short trades and poking, and it also provides a heal for both him and his ADC if they're within his circle.


One of Rakan's main advantages is his superior mobility, which allows him to ward all over enemy Jungle without fear of not getting out compared to tankier supports which can't do deep ward in enemy Jungle without fear of getting caught out and having no way of getting out or even worse, your team then comes to help you while you run away and you all end up dying which has happened many times in Solo Queue. Anyway Rakan's W can be used to jump through walls, a skill you'll find invaluable for escaping these heated situations.


If you're looking to climb in Patch 13.20 and your team needs a reliable engage champion, Rakan could be your go-to pick. His blend of mobility, healing, and engage potential makes him a versatile choice for any support player and generally good to have in champion pool.




If you're looking for a support champion that epitomizes aggression in the bot lane, then Pyke is undoubtedly your go-to choice. Renowned for his powerful ultimate that can execute enemies without hesitation, he's a popular pick among our Challenger boosters, especially for those who are looking to climb the ELO ladder swiftly and efficiently in Patch 13.20.


Not only does Pyke excel in executing enemy's with his ultimate, but he also can hook and then if hooked he applies  slow, that provide your team mates some time to capitalize on the situation. Additionally, his W skill grants him an incredible boost in movement speed, making him excellent in roaming and that's what you need to do anyway to succeed with any support since just being in the lane isn't enough you need to be everywhere!


So, if you're committed to making a significant climb in ELO during Patch 13.20, Pyke's aggressive nature and unique skill set make him a compelling option that can dominate the bot lane.




Janna stands as a quintessential support who seemingly has it all. She embodies the archetype of the classic support, equipped with a plethora of utilities that can dictate the outcome of bot lane skirmishes and team fights. Her Q ability, the Tornado, serves as an excellent tool for disrupting enemy advances, effectively keeping your teammates safe. Her W not only slows down your adversaries but also speeds up your allies, thanks to her passive.


Adding more layers to her supportive capabilities are her E shield and her ultimate, which not only heals allies within its radius but also repels enemies, making it a double-edged sword of protection and crowd control. She can roam, ward, shield, heal and make enemys rage if you are a good Janna that can stop enemys spells effecitvley then you will defenitly make some players to be in hell while playing against you. There is a lot of skill involved in playing her such as timing her shield on your team mates so it doesn't go to waste and on cooldown as well as peeling them from assassins with your ultimate.


And if you're looking for proof, consider the remarkable achievements of a Challenger one-trick Janna booster who boasted an 89% win rate over 1000 games in Platinum+ during Season 11, making her top-tier choice for those looking to climb the ELO ladder in Patch 13.20.