League of Legends Patch 13.13: Exploring Changes and the Emergence of Rell Jungle

League of Legends Patch 13.13: Exploring Changes and the Emergence of Rell Jungle

The League of Legends landscape is ever-evolving, and with the arrival of Patch 13.13, players are in for a treat. This highly anticipated update brings a plethora of changes, balance tweaks, and exciting additions to the game. Join us as we dive into the patch notes, exploring the highlights, and shedding light on the emergence of Rell Jungle—a surprising twist that has caught the attention of summoners worldwide.


Champion Balancing and Enhancements: Patch 13.13 Highlights

Patch 13.13 introduces a slew of champion balancing changes aimed at promoting diversity and strategic depth within the game. Riot Games has diligently fine-tuned the strengths and weaknesses of numerous champions to ensure a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience.


Champions such as Akali, Ezreal, and Ashe have received attention in this patch, with adjustments to their abilities and statistics to maintain a healthy power level. Furthermore, Riot has addressed community feedback by implementing quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes for champions like Yuumi, ensuring smoother gameplay for both players and spectators.


The Rise of Rell Jungle: A Surprising Twist in Patch 13.13

One of the most exciting revelations in Patch 13.13 is the emergence of Rell Jungle. Originally released as a support champion, Rell has found a new home in the jungle role, offering summoners a fresh and unexpected playstyle option.


Rell's unique kit, which includes crowd control abilities and durability, provides her with the tools needed to succeed in the jungle. The ability to initiate fights, control objectives, and lock down high-priority targets makes Rell a formidable force in the ever-changing meta. Summoners are eager to experiment with Rell Jungle, exploring new strategies and pushing the boundaries of this unexpected adaptation.


Item and System Adjustments: Patch 13.13's Impact

New patch in league brings a series of item and system adjustments aimed at enhancing gameplay diversity and strategic decision-making. Riot Games has listened to player feedback and implemented changes to improve the overall itemization experience.


The update introduces new items, updates existing ones, and refines the item shop interface for greater accessibility. From balance tweaks to optimizing gold generation and jungle clear paths, Patch 13.13 aims to create a more engaging and dynamic playing field.


Esports and Competitive Play: The Impact of Patch 13.13

As with every major patch, the esports and competitive scene are not left untouched by the changes brought forth in Patch 13.13. Professional players and teams must adapt their strategies, study the adjustments, and capitalize on the new opportunities presented by the patch.


Spectators eagerly anticipate the professional matches that will showcase the impact of Patch 13.13. Will the emergence of Rell Jungle revolutionize the jungle meta? How will the champion balancing changes influence pick and ban phases? The competitive scene becomes a thrilling arena of adaptation and innovation as teams navigate the intricacies of the updated patch.


Embrace the Evolution

League of Legends continues to evolve and captivate players with each passing patch. Patch 13.13 injects new life into the game, addressing community feedback, and introducing exciting changes that reshape the meta.


Summoners, prepare to explore the possibilities presented by Patch 13.13. Embrace the emergence of Rell Jungle, adapt your strategies to the champion balancing tweaks, and immerse yourself in the dynamic world of League of Legends. With each patch, the game evolves, and players are encouraged to evolve with it, unraveling new strategies and conquering the Rift in


When dose LoL Patch 13.13 be on live servers?

League of Legends patch 13.13 is expected to be in live servers on June 28th 2023, according to Riot's patch schedule. Here are the key timings on patch 13.13 for your server:

3 AM PT (NA)



8 AM KST (Korea)


We did an overview but what actually changes in LoL Patch 13.13?

Statik Shiv nerf

The down fall of LeBlanc mid with fleet & Ezreal that abused the item is probably still not gone just yet however it's a good start to get rid of it and with that nerf the AP scaling on the item went down.


League of Legehnds patch 13.13 early notes



Q: Disintegrate

  • Base damage reduced: 80 – 220 >>> 70 – 210
  • AP ratio reduced: 80% >>> 75%




  • Slow duration reduced: 3.5 seconds >>> 2.5 seconds



  • Attack healing reduced: 2.5% – 9% >>> 2% – 7.1%
  • Ability healing reduced: 8.33% – 30% >>> 5% – 17.75%



W: Bushmaker

  • On-hit base damage reduced: 30 – 60 >>> 20 – 50
  • On-hit AP ratio reduced: 30% >>> 20%



Base Stats

  • Base armor reduced: 29 >>> 26
  • Base health reduced: 610 >>> 580


Lee Sin

Q: Sonic Wave/ Resonating Strike

  • Base damage increased: 55 – 155 >>> 65 – 165
  • Bonus AD ratio increased: 110% >>> 115%



Q: Blooming Burst

  • Cooldown increased: 7 >>> 9 – 7


W: Shapesplitter

  • On hit-base damage changed: 50 – 170 >>> 40 – 180


R: Pop Blossom

  • Now breaks disguise after 0.5 seconds.



Base Stats

  • Movement speed increased: 335 – 340



Base Stats

  • Base AD reduced: 61 >>> 58
  • Base health reduced: 640 >>> 600



Base Stats

  • Base health regeneration reduced: 8.5 >>> 7.5
  • Base magic resistance reduced: 32 >>> 30
  • Magic resistance growth reduced: 2.05 >>> 1.85


Q: Shattering Strike

  • Bonus monster damage increased: 150 – 430 >>> 170 – 470


W: Ferromancy: Crash Down

  • Base shield reduced: 35 – 135 >>> 15-110
  • Unmounted attack speed adjusted: 15% – 35% >>> 30% at all ranks.


E: Full Tilt

  • Bonus monster damage increased: 100 – 280 >>> 120 – 300


Varus (AP)

W: Blighted Quiver

  • On hit AP ratio increased: 30% >>> 35%
  • Detonation AP ratio reduced: 2.5% per 100 AP >>> 1.5% per 100 AP



Passive: Blast Shield

  • Shield reduced: 13% max HP >>> 10% max HP


R: Cease and Desist

  • Cooldown increased: 120 – 80 seconds >>> 140 – 90 seconds



E: Nimbus Strike

  • Monster damage reduced: 120% >>> 100%


Items Changes Patch 13.13

Statikk Shiv

  • Minion AP damage ratio removed: 125% >>> 0%
  • AP ratio reduced: 50% >>> 30%
  • Nerfs to stacking charge whilst dashing


Essence Reaver

  • Base AD ratio increased: 100% >>> 130%
  • Bonus AD ratio reduced: 40% >>> 25%



  • Base damage changed: 15 >>> 90 flat
  • AD ratio reduced: 60% >>> 25%
  • AP ratio removed


Duskblade of Draktharr

  • Adjustments for Katarina and Samira interaction



  • Ghost (Pulled from patch)



Star Guardian Orianna

Star Guardian Seraphine

Elderwood Karthus

Elderwood Wukong


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