Is League of Legends Elo Boosting Illegal?

Is League of Legends Elo Boosting Illegal?

LoL Elo Boosting Is a controversial topic in the world of online gaming for many years. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, Elo boosting is the act of hiring another player to increase your Elo rating in a competitive game, usually for a fee. While it may seem like a harmless way to improve your in-game standing, many people wonder if Elo boosting is illegal. In this article, we will explore the legality of Elo boosting and its potential consequences.


Firstly, it is important to note that the legality of Elo boosting varies by region. In some countries, such as South Korea, Elo boosting is considered illegal and punishable by fines or even jail time. However, in most other countries, there are no specific laws that prohibit Elo boosting.


But what is it anyway? Division boosting is the practice of hiring a skilled player to play on your account and increase your rank in the game. These services are typically offered by third-party companies or individuals and are paid for by the player looking to improve their rank. The process involves giving the booster access to the player's account, allowing them to play ranked games on their behalf.


Is Elo Boosting Services Legal in LoL? 

The short answer is no however Riot doesn’t seem to care. The game's terms of service prohibit account sharing, which is the practice of allowing another player to access your account. This means that using a division boosting service is against the rules and can result in the player's account being banned or suspended and this kind of “ban wave” was last done in 2015 and we definitely won’t see it soon if at all.


The reasons behind the game's stance on division boosting are straightforward. Division boosting can give players an unfair advantage over others in the game, which undermines the integrity of the competition that Riot Games doesn’t like when someone with higher skill ceiling will get you to your dream rank however this is happening consistently in all kind of competitive games.


Can Elo Boosters Get Banned?

It's a bit more complicated since there is a extremely tiny chance that you will get banned first as a person using elo boosting services and most of the big trusted websites such as ours requires boosters to use VPN to protect you account. So far our administration have been boosting over 8 years and they haven't ever encountered any ban due to elo boosting to their account or ether their client meaning it's ultra safe but is there a chance to get banned if the customers get banned? Probably but then how would they track the booster when he used a VPN?


You can see where am going with this, so to answer the questions can elo boosters get banned, yes but highly unlikely. 


Main Point Problem of Boosting

The main issue when it comes to boosting is the account sharing concern. Since Riot Games has strictly said in their terms you shouldn’t have an account with your buddy or anyone else but why is that? It’s all about the profit!


Yes you heard that right because why should a game developer allow you to play on one account and not spent as much money when you can have your own and spend a lot more money on the skins by yourself rather than sharing it, with someone else to have the same skins but at a lower cost.


When we dive in more to the topic then you could see that buy an elo boost in League is not just helping a struggling player since you are paying for their time and knowledge. It’s about what you can learn mostly and especially it’s helpful in duo queue to know how to carry the game since you may not see your mistakes but the booster can and he will gladly tell you what to do. Most of these boosters are actually keeping a player to come back for more since game like League is so complex, playing with a high elo player may give you ranked anxiety relive which some players experience.


So Is Is LoL Elo Boosting Cheating then?

In all honesty, Elo boosting is definitely not cheating or a cheat code that works like magic.  The majority of the time, Elo boosters are contracted to do what some players of games such as League of Legends are unable to do them self and it’s understanble since the game is so complex in many aspects.  When you got Issues such as a busy work schedule or hectic family life may prevent a gamer from spending the amount of time needed to enjoy their favourite game fully on another level.


Elo boosting has been since Riot developed League of Legends.  Even at home, elo boosting could take place when two players are playing the same game on a single account.  Then the idea comes up such as “account sharing” “boosting” but Is this cheating? In all honesty, no.  Cheating means deliberately disobeying the rules of a game or tweaking the mechanics of it like a hacker and boy, Riot dose have a bit issues with the hackers especially when they hack the main game and leak their update projects, now that’s cheating!


Final Thought of LoL Boosting

Elo boosters believe it or not make the game a lot more appealing to others since you can make some money by just playing games and who wouldn’t the idea of it right? Some actually try a lot harder to become an elo booster and not use the services but be hired and join a team of them  which is totally doable and not impossible!


FFBoost15 also offers a variety of boosting services, including division boosting, duo queue boosting placement matches, and more. Their boosters are experienced players who have achieved high rankings in the game and know the ins and outs of the game. They offer fast and efficient boosting services that are designed to help players achieve their desired rank quickly and easily.