Everything About Elo Boosting in League of Legends

Everything About Elo Boosting in League of Legends

Elo boosting is a practice that has become increasingly popular in the world of online gaming especially in the North America region as well as Europe. It involves hiring another player to play on your account to increase your rank in any game or queue type. The term "Elo" originates from the Elo rating system, which is a mathematical method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in competitive games.


The Process of Elo boosting

  1. On FFBoost15 it always starts with a customer purchasing one of our services that we provide with a range of options that involves also special customizations options that will enchant your experience.
  2. Then after the payment is completed, one of our boosters that are in the top of 0.1% will take carefully care of your account by using a VPN to the location that you have chosen during registration or that you provided in the guest account setup to make sure your account is safe during service.
  3. You can freely chat with your booster, track the progress easily, spectate his games and even ask for tips that he uses while getting you up the ladder when you sit back and enjoy your free time that you gain.


How Do We Hire LoL Elo Boosters?

Just to give you an idea of how excellent our boosters are we would like to tell you exactly how we hire them and isn't an easy process for them to get in to work for us that's why we provide the quality services you deserve for the price.


  • First an elo booster has to verify their account to our owner that is in charge of hiring all of the boosters for your smooth experience.


  1. Afterwards if they do meet our expectations we will go into their replays randomly to check if they are toxic or not while loosing games, what they write, if they are cool during stressful games and overall performance that has to also be verified.


  • The last step is trial games which involves the player that wants to become a booster to share their screen for our owner to take a closer look while they play in their main elo to verify their though process, decisions, wave states, early/mid/late game playstyle & camera control so we are sure that this player is the one that owns the account he plays on and if we want to him to join our boosting team that will deliver you easy service without any issues.


LoL Elo Boosting FAQ

What is LoL Elo Boosting?

Elo Boosting in League of Legends as well as many games is in which a high bracket player, also known as booster plays on behalf of another player simply to increase their rank in the game of their choice.


What is FFBoost15 and how does it relate to Elo Boosting?

FFBoost15 is one of many websites on the market that offer elo boosting services to LoL community. We provide experienced boosters who can help players achieve their dream ranks quickly and efficiently, not to forget that we also sell services to our games such as: Teamfight Tactics, Valorant & Wild Rift a long with accounts to League of Legends.


What is an Elo Booster and what do they do?

Elo Boosters are high elo players which have achieved the highest of ranks in LoL through years of practise and dedication. These boosters use their skill over the years to help other players achieve the rank they are paying for on their behalf. Boosters are mostly hired and wanted by websites such as FFBoost15 to provide these services to customers however they have to be a minimum Grandmaster in League of Legends to be considered.


Why is High Elo important in Elo Boosting?

It's important since it shows the overall skill of the player. Players that are in higher brackets are considered more skilled than those with lower elos making them more desirable teammates in ranked games since they invested so much into improving they are a perfect team mate in duo queue boosts for example or just simply to quickly get out of Platinum into Diamond as another player requested which won't be a hustle for a high elo player that is simply better than everyone else.


Is Elo boosting legal?

The short answer is Yes, it's totally safe and legal to purchase these kind of services online, unless you are in South Korea where you can land in jail even for two years! So if you live anywhere else you are perfectly fine to go a head and treat yourself by  taking away the grind and anger that some players experience while we will help you achieve your dream rank while you relax or learn the game with your duo booster that will happily help you with that.


How to work as an Elo Booster?

You need to be high elo, which means simply to be one of the best players on the server. Most websites will easy take your if you are Grandmaster+ however you have to also go through their hiring process which varies from website to website. 


Can I get banned for elo boosting?

Since a boosting service requires sensitive information which are the credentials to your account Riot sees that as potential security risk and based on that if it's proven that they have hired a booster it can be possible to get a ban yes. However do be on a bright side since the chance of discovery are extremely low especially if you use our addons which are free. Without any solid proof Riot can't simply punish anyone based only on being a suspect alone.


Is Duo boosting bannable?

The likely hood of discovering  a duo queue boost is extremely difficult that is close to impossible since players are playing with their friends all the time and how would they know that someone is paying to play with them. That's why duo boosting is so effective and impossible to detect as well as extremely unlikely to be banned.


What is the penalty for Boosting in LoL?

Any account that Riot will find hard evidence for being Elo Boosted will get a 2 week suspension in League of Legends & on top of that they honor will drop to level 0 which isn't the end of the world since you will still have your division. However this kind of a ban is Highley unlikely due to security measures we provide and with over 3000+ accounts boosted by our selves as well as our staff member we found out that none of them where ever punished for this kind of behaviour.


How do Elo Boosters win?

In League of Legends booster usually plays their main champion or an extremely snow ball champions such as: Rengar, Riven, Tryndamere, Draven, Talon, Akshan, Fizz… As you see mostly all of them have a potential to 1 v 9 the game which is the whole point to win games as quickly as possible using their full knowledge and skill to preform as best their can to finish the order effectively. It can be much more easier for you to know if you would order a duo queue team mate and choose “Coaching & Vods” exclusive addon which will give you insights of a challenger player to know exactly their though process while smurfing and boosting. 


How much do Elo Boosters get paid?

All of boosters at least in FFBoost15 get paid 60% for each order however it also depends how long they have worked for us since we got a booster ranking system where boosters could apply to be from "Novice Booster" to any of the following “Amateur”, “Legendary” or even “Mystical” all the requirements are disclosed however there is just a way for them to earn a bit more for for their dedication to our website.


How much do Elo Boosters make?

Most of high elo boosters that were doing mostly high elo orders can earn about €1,250 to even €2,500 however it all dose depend on multiple factors that apply and also customer tips which are super useful to any booster you know what we are talking about, you can find more about how much elo boosters make here.


How much dose Elo Boosting cost?

It starts with as low as €2 per single rank in iron and can be as high as €40 for one won game in Challenger but do not be fooled by some other websites pricing because only here you will find weekly deals that are available for League of Legends & Valorant that will give you cheaper prices on elo boosting packs which are a specifically for people that might already have Gold 2 and would like to be higher so the desired rank can be Diamond  1 and with us you can get it even cheaper so make sure to come back and check what's new each week!


Types of Elo Boosting Services and Prices Ultimate Guide

There are many types of elo boosting types such as in League of Legends you will find: Division/Rank Boost, Win Boost, Placements or Normal Games sometimes even Levelling & Champion Mastery which isn't that popular anymore so what are the differences between all of them? Let's take a closer look


Solo Queue Boost: Is known mostly as Division or Rank boost by the simplicity for everyone. It involves an elo booster to play on half of you on your account to get you to the desired division you have chosen when purchasing.


Duo Queue Boost: Which is also a Division or Rank boost but in duo but what does it mean exactly? It means that you will pay a slightly bit more since a booster will specially take an account  in a similar elo to play ranked games a long side with you, they can tell you tips on how to play the game so you can help them win much more easily too, but now at least you will have a pro team mate that you can relay on while having fun with a friend when you rank up!


Win Boost: Also known as Net Wins if you have heard of that Win Boost is just remarketed by all websites form that we present this service in since its much easier for new players that are seeking our services to know what it is. The way you can look at it in short is a guaranteed win strike of games but for  example if you purchase 3 win boost games and the booster lets say loses a 2nd game, he will have to win +1 more game to compensate for the lose that's how it works.


Placement Matches Boost: You most likely know what is it meaning in short if you are seeking a service for someone to play your first 10 games or even a fewer since you could of played them yourself to get the best results possible and here at FFBoost15 we actually guarantee you 70% wr if  you were last season Unranked or Diamond+.


Also if you were Iron to Platinum we can assure 80% wr on your placement matches which most services fear to do but we are super confident in our abilities and in top of that if a booster fails to do the guarantee you will get compensated with win boost game for each lose he did and not achieve the desired %, but the compensation cannot exceed 1 full division unless the booster’s win rate is below 50%.


Elo Boosting Packs: These are special packages that required you to have the starting division which is divided by a website or just popularity of the rank to more desirable rank simply in a much cheaper price since you can treat it like a good pre-made deal in short.


Weekly Elo Boosting Deals: This option is unique and only on our website FFBoost15 since we will give you a special deal on predeterminate rank to a specific desired rank that is made by the popularity mostly or our admin team, so you can come back each week and check what we got for you new each week, just to remember  that we got special weekly deals only in League of Legends & Valorant.


Price for Each Type of LoL Elo Boosting Service

The prices for each type of an elo boosting service will vary on multiple factors such as, server, current rank, desired rank, time frame, addons, exclusive/premium addons or if it's a solo or duo boost. To speak more generally Solo type orders are way cheaper than Duo queue boosts since they do not involve that much of a hustle and time synchronisation from a customer and a booster since the booster can play solo when even and finish order ASAP. 


Let's give you an example, if you are looking for a solo queue boost on Europe West server from possibly Silver IV to Gold II we will tell you how long it will take approximately and we are confident that it can be done in 4-5 days or 2-4 days if you boost an express option which is super fast compare to others, also if you get a lot more LP it would be even quicker and for such a thing, you will pay only €61.4 also if we are running a promotion this price can drop even lower!


What Dose Affect Elo Boosting Prices?

There are many factors as we said but one of the significant factors is the current rank of the customer and the one he desires, obviously it will cost more as you will want to get a higher rank and also it will depend how fast you want to get there a long with a champion pool that you request to be used.


Second most important factor is the overall server or region you are in since some servers are just more competitive than others which can make it harder to boost ranks and cost more or less. Depends on which server you are on you will a price to be affected also by the amount of boosters a website currently have in that region which not many people talk about since if a website has only 8 boosters on OCE for example the price of boosts on OCE will be simply higher since it's harder to find there a booster that will play without, any ping issues.


Third most important factor is the time frame that is given to the booster since as you might already have seen our approximate completion time in our purchase page it's a time frame for the booster as well to complete a given order in X amount of time so if you purchase an express boost there will be more pressure on the booster to finish order, much more quickly and with that more expensive order.


The Benefits of Our Loyalty Reward Program

There are actually many things that we offer to our loyal customers such as, bigger discounts, bonus loyalty points for hitting mile stones, free league of legends accounts that are fresh or with a specific rank & even skins that will be gifted to your account soon after redeeming!


Overall Conclusion of LoL Elo Boosting

In conclusion if you are a League of Legends player which one is looking to climb the ranks quickly without any issues then Elo Boosting can be a solution for you with has benefits and potential low risks like anything. It's important to remember that if you are interested in any kind of a deal or boosting we are always happy to answer any of your questions so if you are unsure remember to use our 24/7 live chat that is in the bottom right of the screen. 


We offer you the most confinable and satisfaction guarantee service so you can have a peace of mind knowing that your account is taken care of by professionals who cares about your success and improving which can be done also more easily in a duo queue boost so you can get a higher rank when playing with a friendly booster that is fun and has a lot of knowledge that is happy to share it with you.