Can You Get Banned For Boosting in TFT?

Can You Get Banned For Boosting in TFT?

Everyone have heard of boosting at this point since League of Legends is around now for 13 years and so as the boosting services since the game launched. When it comes to Teamfight Tatics it's a lot harder to detect boosting due to the game complexity of just gaining knowledge and make the right choices instead of going 20/0 each game like in League, so the question now comes.



How Dose Boosting Work in TFT?

There are 2 options that you can choose from when it comes to boosting and they are quite important, which are a Solo boost or a Duo boost.


In a Solo boost you are going to let one of our boosters play on your behalf on your account to the desired rank you have selected, while in


Duo boost you will be the one playing all of the games but you will have our Challenger booster next to you telling you all everything you have to do exactly to win the game, learn & grind up the ladder easier!


What is Duo Boosting in TFT?

So for those who do not know how a Duo Boosting works in Teamfight Tactics, let us explain it at brief. It involves one of our verified high elo boosters that will come with you into a Discord call, and with that you will be able to talk to them, gain more knowledge & share your screen to them while you play to your desired rank at your own peace while a Top Challenger will walk you through each of your games and tell you what to do, and why to do it so you can actually learn a long while grinding up the ladder with ease!


Can I Get Banned for Boosting in TFT?

The short answer is No, since as we said it's too complicated to detect a player that actually gained knowledge and played on other account trying new things and now he comes back to his first account and starts to win like crazy which is a bit suspicions however not enough for Riot Games to investigate, if you are not breaking crucial rules in Teamfight Tactics such as bug abusing then you have 0% of getting banned even if you purchase boosting due to the extra cautions most websites take such as ours.


Dose Riot Ban for Boosting?

Since they have a policy that is about not sharing sensitive information sucha as your login and password to anyone else, then yes you could get banned only for account sharing however when you, look at it in an other way such as giving your account to a friend just to play some normal games with a new champion, then you could get banned even for that as well and that's not even boosting. The change of that happening is super low since we know that everyone shares their account with at least one friend for some kind of a reason in their league journey, so do not be afraid of a ban chance since even our staff member of FFBoost15 that were boosting for over 8 years haven't ever seen a single ban for “mmr boosting” or in other words boosting.