All You Need to Know About Smurfs in League of Legends

All You Need to Know About Smurfs in League of Legends

League is a one of the most competitive games out there and it attracts players from all skill levels. Among these players, you may come across the term "smurf" frequently. Smurfing refers to experienced players creating new accounts to play at lower skill levels than their true ranking in short.


What is a Smurf?

Smurf in League of Legends or any other games with ranking lader refers to an experienced player who creates a new account to play against less skilled opponents, often at lower levels/divisions/ranks. Smurfs aim to maintain a high win rate and dominate games while climbing back to their true skill level this can be due to multiple reasons such as, ban on previous account, bored of long queues in the top ladder or even just to play with a friend that just isn't as good at the game.


Why People Smurf?

There are several reasons why league players create brand new account or buy smurfs, some of which are more controversial than others however here are a some common reasons:


  • Challenge: Skilled players may find their true rank less challenging and seek a more competitive environment where they can push their limits and face stronger opponents.


  • Their account MMR (Match Making Ranking) may not be to their liking by receiving lower LP gains and they just simply want higher to they decide to try hard on a brand new account get a high LP in Master+.


  • Teaching and Mentoring: Some experienced players create smurf accounts to help friends or newcomers to the game by providing guidance and advice while playing alongside them.


  • Alternate Playstyles: Smurf accounts can also serve as a platform for players to experiment with different champions, roles, or strategies without risking their main account's rank.


  • Escape of long Queue times: High bracket players have a long time to even wait for a game most of the time since they are in the top 1% if not 0.50% like Challengers meaning, if they respect  their time which in some days no one has they will just jump into their smurf account to play some games.


Where Do Players Buy Fresh Accounts?

When it comes to looking for a high quality accounts that are ready to start playing ranked and becoming one of the smurfs there are variety of options so choose wisely such as our League of Legends smurf market  where you will find botted and fully hand level accounts with a life time warranty.


What Are The Types of LoL Smurf Accounts?

There are only three types of an account you could possibly purchase at least in League of Legends such as:


  • Unranked Accounts - These accounts are also known to the community as (fresh) since they are ready to play ranked games with the account being levelled to level 30 & having an account full of capsules to be opened to unlock champions.


  • High Blue Essence (BE) - That type of an account will have a higher amount of BE that is nessessary to purchase champions in short you will be able to purchase more heros that you want.


  • Ranked Accounts - These accounts will have a predeterminate rank already such as (Iron, Bronze, Gold, Diamond, Master). They appeal to players who are looking to jump directly into a specific rank without the hustle of ranking and grinding it up themselves. 


How Much Do LoL Smurf Accounts Cost?

The price will vary from account to account because there will be multiple factors like the number of skins unlocked, champions, wards, rank & division as well as Blue Essence or even Riot Points that are still on the account.


  • Unranked Accounts - Prices mostly range from $10 to $40, depending on the amount of Blue Essence and if it was levelled only on arams or normal games as well since it would effect MMR of the account in ranked for the first time.


  • High Blue Essence (BE) - Accounts will cost anywhere from 20$ to even 60$ however it depends if they are hand levelled or botted and also what the account is self contains.


  • Ranked Accounts - Here is where you will spent the most since these accounts have already the rank you probably want and it was a grind for someone to get it up to that level meaning it can range possibly from $50 to even $1000 which still depends on skins and champions but mostly on the rank of the account.


Conclusion of LoL Smurfs

Some people love them, some people hate them is just how it goes. Smurfs have a clear intention which is also to play the game and sometime it may seen not fair but people could learn something from them since smurfs in League of Legends will punish all of your mistakes and you could come into conclusion that it was a good learning game/lesson to just simply become better and see what you have done wrong since you got punished so hard.