As the backbone of the team's damage output, the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) role in League demands precision, ideal positioning, kiting and champion skill. One champions that you will hear about that are difficult to master at least 2 of them which are Karthus and Draven but they are the most rewarding ones for sure! They become unstoppable picks on the rift that will carrying games with ease but let's dive in and learn more about them.
Stands out as an unconventional yet potent ADC champion or maybe as some people would say APC. Armed with devastating magic damage, Karthus excels at long range harassment and immense team fight presence however you need to have the ability to land Q's which are main source of damage and crucial to become a successful APC Karthus in the bottom alley. His kit is super simple that's why he is also easy to pick up and learn since you can focus more on macro than micro, but let's be honest landing these Q's can be a struggle for a start so you do have to practise.
To land his Q's on melee champions you should kite away while using your Q on your previous position while moving which guarantees almost a 100% hit since melee champions do have to get up in close to deal any damage to you. When it comes to range champions there is a bit of a mind game going on since you are also range and it's a lot harder to hit these kind of targets that's why you have to get a feel of their movement and just press Q to the best of your ability and educated guesses.
Is one of the high-risk, high-reward ADC with immense damage. His unique mechanics, such as catching his spinning axes, set him apart from other champions as well as the overall difficulty since it might seems easy at first but boy try to catch all of these Axes during a team fight. Draven rewards players who possess exceptional mechanics, as well as the ability to snowball and dominate the laning phase. With precise axe positioning, calculated aggression, and careful decision-making, a skilled Draven player can become an unstoppable force that carries games over and over again, but do remember in higher elo support players must at least know how to play with them to help out which might be tilting to some of ADCarrys.
When it comes to this question you probably think of how and where will they land, and the answer is much more simple then you think. His Axes will always land ahead of the direction where our character is facing when the axe hits it target, so you can force the axe for example to go behind you if you throw the axe and then turn around and take a click back or a step backwords. The only time it goes randomly is when you stand still for too long or within baron and dragon pit.
Who thrives in both early and late game situations. With her adaptive damage and mobility, Kai'Sa offers strong burst damage and the ability to dive into the enemy backline. Mastering Kai'Sa's positioning, target selection, and decision-making regarding her ultimate (Killer Instinct) are essential to unlock her carry potential. We have to point out that she is a hybrid too which means she can build AD and AP which is important since not all champions can build Zhonies like her against assassins to stay alive during fights.
Is an ADC champion known for his safe laning phase and high skill ceiling, well kind of. With his long range poke and blink like mobility, Ezreal excels at kiting and sustained damage. His skill shots may he satisfying to land but optimizing ability usage is more crucial especially when you are fighting since one wrong E forwards and you are most likley dead. Remember to positioning effectively during team fights is essential to fully utilize Ezreal's potential since he can be a super carry champion but you do have to have boundaries on when to go in and when you take the L and run away.
Has emerged as a powerful ADC choice with her supportive utility and scaling damage. Armed with crowd control, healing, and a strong ultimate (Encore), Seraphine enables her team while dealing significant damage. She can have a super good synergistic play with her team and support like Sona on the lane which is key to unlocking her ultimate potential.
You have to learn macro play to decide when to leave your team and take the lead by just going into the side lane safely to get necessary XP and Gold solo to carry the game with items you need but more then that you have to know when you just leave your support too since many people just for no reason while they try to rescue their support which should be other way round.
To get improved faster and get the rank you always wanted you should consider purchasing our lol duo queue boost with coach + vods addon that will help you get there quicker a long with in a fun way and with a Professional Challenger ADC that could support you and teach you at the same time on how to become the ADC beast you always wanted since boosters know the best ways to close out games as fast ass possible.
Mastering the ADC role in League of Legends requires skill, perseverance, farming, positioning, patients and a jungler with hands. The top 5 champions for ADC as we discussed do offer diverse playstyles that can be practised to perfection. While they demand practice and experience, these champions possess the potential to dominate the ADC position and carry their feeding team mates if they do not make many mistakes since it's hard to not get killed by a 10/0 Zed in the Mid lane.