So you always wanted to have all champions in League unlocked in a split of second right?
Now it's possible from the partnership that Riot Games has made with Xbox Game Pass. You can gain a lot of benefits from not just having all champions unlocked in League but also a single arena in Teamfight Tactics a long with all possible characters in there as level 1 star heros.
To unlucky all characters in League of Legends you have to first search for “Riot Games and Xbox Game Pass Benefits”, and click the first link that is from Riot Games, then simply follow the necessary log in steps to both of your accounts to gain the access to exclusive rewards for your account.
Yes it dose, to unlock all of the agents you will have to grant Riot Games permission to link your Xbox account and then get the Game Pass subscription if you haven't got one already. Once you launch Valorant you then will be notified that you have unlocked all of the possible agents for free!
The short answer is no, which is justified by simply paying for the subscription since thats how Riot Games and Xbox partnership works by gaining more subscribers for the Game Pass.
So firstly for League you will have all characters unlocked + 20% XP boost for each game that you will play on your account which is super useful especially if you combine it with Twitch Prime and the free 30 days XP boost you get from there.
You will gain all heros unlocked as level 1 star and 1 arena unlocked as well. Remember that you can always level up by collecting star dust that can be obtain in battle pass that you would have to purchase in TFT.
All agents will be unlocked and on your disposal for the whole duration of your game pass subscription so do remember to renew it or just simply use this time to grind and then buy the agents while you can.
Its a great way to gain something by just linking up your accounts, and with that said here at FFBoost15 we could help you reach your dream rank or just help you out with a professional duo parter that can teach & carry you through out the games, so remember to check us out.